What is expected in the first session?

The first  session can be anxiety provoking, as you would be meeting an unfamiliar professional & expected to discuss your problems. The session is  about informing major reasons for seeking help at your comfortable pace.  Feel free to ask any questions about counselling, psychologist’s pathway  of providing help or if you feel uncomfortable about answering a specific question. ONLINE EMDR sessions are   successful too.

What happens in ongoing sessions?

Pace of further sessions is decided by what your needs are, the comfort level of expressing issues, talking about traumas & pace at which you are willing to learn coping skills.  Coping skills are taught using various modalities & EMDR therapy is used preferably to process distressing memories.

How long therapy lasts?

Generally, first few sessions involve collecting history, treatment planning & discussing the therapy options. Regular sessions are conducted once a week for 55 minutes & EMDR sessions can be conducted for 55 or 85 minutes to process more in a session.

Treatment can last from 6 months to more than one year. It depends on psychological symptoms one is presenting with, number of traumas, extent of impact on social, personal & occupational life.

Will my information be kept confidential?

All information you provide will be kept confidential except if one is at risk to oneself or / & to others & when court subpoena to give evidence in court. If any information is to be disclosed to others, prior permission will be taken from you.

Challenges are what make life interesting & overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. ~ Joshua Marine

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